Thursday, November 27, 2014

Dive in! To Anilao Diving Spots

By: Diana Illustre 5

When scuba diving and beaches are in trend and topic, Batangas is always present. Batangas has one of the ideal perfect diving spots and beaches. And one of their prides is Anilao Diving Spots which is located at Mabini, Batangas.

Its pristine underwater marine ecosystem made its own name. Its untarnished natural coral reef habitat and many different species of fish and other sea creatures are the main attraction of the place. As I remembered, when we took a dive in Anilao, words can’t explain how the joy we felt and the undeniably beauty of underwater spots of Anilao was. It’s like you’re in Atlantis. If ever that there was a mermaid that shown up while we were doing scuba diving, I would really think that I am at Atlantis. That’s how the beauty of Anilao has.

Furthermore, Anilao Diving Spots also offers an opportunity to have an underwater photo shoot. Since the view, I mean the perfect view and angles are already given and set, all you need is your camera and a catchy pose to have your best pictures. Whether, it is a “selfie” or a group picture. So, just like other tourists, we grab the opportunity to take a “selfie” at ADS (Anilao Diving Spots). And what’s the best part here is that, when we take our “selfies”, a grouo of clown fish came and surrounds us! It was the best picture that I’ve had. And for me, it was the highlight of our whole trip in Mabini, Batangas in Anilao Diving Spots.

Oh, I almost forgot, it is also a “suki” in taking pre-nup pictures. Many couples are choosing ADS to launch their photo shoot. Since, again, it has a perfect view yet romantic. And I think it is also prefect for honey moons because Anilao Diving Spots has also hotels and resorts where you can spend your vacation.

So, if you’re looking for a whole package place that is near in Manila, choose Anilao Diving Spots spent your vacation or honey moon. Because in Anilao, I can say that it’s like a paradise.

Ready, Set, Go! – Batangas Racing Circuit

By: Diana Illustre 4

Batangas is known for its beautiful and natural attractions. But there’s a lot more that Batangas can offer to you. Like in Barrio Maligaya at Rosario, Batangas there’s a racing circuit which is 3.4km long and it has large hectares that made the circuit wide and have an enough space.

Since, I’m a fan of cars and I love to watch races, especially drag racing and exhibitions, we were lucky that while our stay in Batangas together with my friends, one of my friend and I discovered this racing circuit. We immediately search the exact location of the place and then the day after, we knew that there was an event that will be held, and so, we excitedly rushed down going to BRC (Batangas Racing Circuit) and watched the drag racing! We were like a child who’s shouting and with eyes aglow, every time the cars passes by and hearing that roaring sound of its engine plus the awesome and unique styles and designs of the cars.

I’m sure, for those other car lovers and racers; you will also enjoy the experience at BRC. It is a wholesome place since the racing track has a unique structure and it is not much exposed in a city like nature. You can focus and do a practice at BRC.

But, I’m not saying that this place is only for car lovers, racers  and car exhibition fans only, for those who are looking for other “uncommon” tourist spots here in Batangas, I recommend you to visit BRC (Batangas Racing Circuit). This is for you to experience another thrill and excitement during your visit in Batangas.

So, if I were you, when you will have the chance to take a visit or a vacation in Batangas, you better go to BRC and you will be surprised on what you will see even though, you don’t have an interest to cars. In fact, I think, once you have watched a drag or a race at BRC, you will have an interest to cars and you will start to like watching races and become a fan of it.

The beauty and wonder of Taal Volcano

By: Diana Illustre 3

“Volcano Island”, “Floating Volcano” and “Floating Island”, these are some of the “foreign names” that I’ve heard when we went to visit Taal Volcano. The foreigners were amazed when they saw the beauty of Taal Volcano. Even I was also surprised, because the moment you feel the cool breeze air plus the breath taking view of Taal Volcano, I’m sure, you will really feel the moment while enjoying your visit or tour at Taal Volcano.

Moreover, Taal’s popularity is already proven, through its perfect 360 view and the lake that surrounds the volcano makes it different from any other volcanos here in the Philippines. Reaching closely to Taal Volcano through a boat ride is another exciting and thrilling experience. Since we want to enjoy, discover and try everything what Taal offers, we choose to take a boat ride going to TaalVolcano. We were 6 in the group; the boat ride rental fee cost 1,200 pesos. But before you reach the terminal of the boat ride, first, you need to take a ride by a tricycle which cost 300 pesos for a road trip (back and forth) from Olivarez, Tagaytay to Talisay, Batangas to terminal of the boat ride. And the good thing here is that, the tricycle that you hired to take you to Talisa, Batangas will also waityou until you come back from Taal Volcano and drives you again going back to Olivarez, Tagaytay. And then, when youreachthe terminal of the boat ride, you will have a conversation to the person who offers the boat ride and have a fixed price. But, I suggest that if you’re gonna bid the price range, you should first start from the lowest price or your budget because, you can really save more money through using those kinds of strategies.

We took 20-30 minutes to reach the foot of Taal Volcano. And then, when we get there, we were surprised because since it our first time to go there, we didn’t knew that there was an entrance fee of 50 pesos and then 500 pesos for the tour guide (optional) and 450 pesos for a horse back ride going to the crater of the volcano. But, it is also optional.

I know that it’s a bit expensive, but, the moment you reach the crater, you can say that it is all worth it. You will somehow forget you problems and unwind for a moment. It is also perfect for photo shoots because of its 360 view. I can say that it is one of my best experiences or get away in my life. It is really worth it and for me, a stress reliever.

So, if you’re planning to have a visit to Taal Volcano, please, don’t hesitate about the expenses because again, it’s all worth it and it’s safe. You can bring your family there in case you want to have a family bonding. And it is a less hassle since Batangas is near Metro manila.

Atcharang Calaca

By: Eulalie Alba 5

If you are visiting Calaca, Batangas there is one thing you must not forget to try, it’s their atchara.

Atchara is a pickle made from grind down unripe papaya popular in the Philippines. This kind of dish is often served as a side dish for fried or grilled foods.

According to my research, Calaca’s atchara is truly Asian and the Filipino signature is written all over it. This town in Batangas is known for making the finest atchara from which their colourful Calacatchara Festival was derived from.

Atchara has been a favourite side dish of Filipinos for many years even now. Who will not crave for inihaw na liempo or binanging tawilis paired with atcharang calaca? The best!

If by chance you are near the vicinity of the town of Calaca. I do suggest go in their town and get some fresh atchara. Surely, the Batangas-made atchara won’t disappoint you.