Monday, November 24, 2014

Batangas Goto

By: Rizabelle Boado 4

"Gotong Batangas" apart from the other version Filipinos know is that goto in Batangas province has no rice. Goto means tripe. But if you're in the Ala-eh province also known as Batangas and you order goto, expecting a type of congee topped with bits of tripe, then you will be shocked. By the way to those reading this that having no idea about congee, congee is a type of rice porridge or gruel.

Ripe porridge or congee, regardless of what its meat ingredients are, is lugaw to us. Whether it has chicken, hard boiled egg, or ox tripe, they're all called lugaw.I've read some book about foods and as I know Goto is different dish altogether, It is a thin, loose soup with beef among others. And by "others" we mean other innards. But there are also varieties that had more meat.

The best place to eat Goto will be in Batangas. Why? because It's originally made there and besides it has it's own typr of cooking goto. And that's the most perfect thing because Gotong Batangas is also most of the time reffered to as Goto ng Lipa.

My uncle usually gets Gotong Batangas right by the entrance of Nasugbu in Tagaytay (which is technically also Batangas already) You'll surely pass it on your way to Punta Fuego or Tali. It's really one of my favorites. Of course, you don't even have to go through all the hassle of cooking "Gotong Batangas". If you want, there are many places out there where you can eat Gotong Batangas. but for me, one place that I love going to with my friends would be at the edge of Tagaytay almost near the arch of Nasugbu, gateway to some popular Batangas Beaches.

I hope this article was helpful. I'm not really a chef or whatever. I'm just a person who loves to eat and loves tasting ancient cuisine such as Gotong Batangas. I hope you enjoyed this Gotong Batangas and when you go to Batangas don't forget to taste this very delicious cuisine.

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